Life events like pregnancy, teenage acne, surgeries, accidents, or even dermatological conditions like skin spots, psoriasis, and rosacea all leave their marks on your skin. Advanced Praxi-Gel has been designed to help soften, smooth, flatten, lighten and dramatically improve the overall appearance of scars, even keloid scars. The gel contains Pracaxi oil, derived from the seed of the Pracaxi tree found in the Amazon rainforest. This unique ingredient has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

You don’t have to be “scarred for life” by the appearance of your scars. Take action to combat your scar tissue and restore your self-confidence. After a surgery or injury, you could use Advanced Praxi-Gel to reduce inflammation and the buildup of scar tissue. Advanced Praxi-Gel is available over the counter at Campbell’s Compounding…no prescription needed. If you have pain or itching associated with your scar, we can compound a solution to address your issues. We’re pleased to offer such a customizable and user-friendly scar-reducing treatment for adults and children alike!
Campbell’s Compounding is proud to be a pharmacy that cares for you and your family across the board. From topical solutions like day and night creams to the full-body effects of hormone replacement therapy, we work with patients and their doctors for total health. We accept major prescription and insurance plans and stock all commercially available medications from specialized compounded medications to blood pressure medications to prenatal vitamins to antibiotics. Come in and talk with us about your concerns. We promise to listen, work hard to solve your problems, and treat each and every patient like a member of our own family!